Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Importance of Time Management

I'm incapable of time management. Seriously. I'll sit down to do something and get distracted two minutes later by something else. This does not bode well for my writing career. I've never really finished a novel before. I've gotten close, only to get bored at the last second. It's a terrible habit, one I am determined to break. How do I, and millions of others like me, do so?

Well, if you're a Google Chrome/Firefox user, you can download an extension called Strict Pomodoro. It's a time management system where you can put in the sites you visit the most, click a button, and boom! Those sites are blocked for a certain period of time (10, 20, 30, 40 minutes, whatever you want) and after the time is up, you get a break! It's extremely useful for easily distracted writers like myself.

If that isn't your thing, you can always try Write or Die, a time management tool designed specifically for writers. It's great fun. I used it a lot during NaNoWriMo a couple years ago (couldn't do it last year). It's got a bunch of features you can play around with, so make sure to check it out!

As for an update on Shadows, I haven't gotten the chance to write much thanks to school. I'm hoping to get something done today.

- Meg

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